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SEARCH Ministry is located in Rio Grande, OH and the main emphasis is reaching the students on the University of Rio Grande, the local community and the world for Jesus. 

S.E.A.R.C.H. actually stands for:  Seeking Every Answer and Response Christ Has

Founder of SEARCH Ministry is David G. Perry and his wife Sandy M. Perry.  There son, Joshua is married to Stefanie and they have two sons and one daughter, Thiesen, Tristan and Torin.  Joshua  is the owner of Fit-Culture, a gym located in Gallipolis, Ohio and Stefanie is a stay-at-home mother.  Their  daughter, Kayla is married to Evan Staph.  Before getting married, she was a math teacher at a high school in West Virginia for 2 years and then worked with International Justice Mission in the Philippines. Kayla released her first book on September 1, 2020 called, "Strive With Me." It can be found on Amazon (Kindle & paperback).   Sandy is a preschool teacher at an elementary and David is retired after serving 35 years in public education.  David also leads the SEARCH Ministry.

The SEARCH Ministry goals are:

1.   To evangelize the lost and introduce them to the claims of Jesus Christ our Lord

2.   To establish young believers in the basics, get them grounded in the Word of God and develop and deep and meaning relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord

3.   To equip young men and women with tools for reaching out to not only their friends but to those they sit in class with or just meet on campus

4.   To train the mature in Jesus Christ our Lord in reproducing what has been done with them

5.   To help them to learn to get their marching orders from God  (Joel 2:11)


The SEARCH Ministry has a weekly campus-wide Bible study every Wednesday at 7:30pm in Bob Evans Farm Hall  on the University of Rio Grande.

In addition, there are a number of smaller group Bible studies to teach others how to investigate the Scriptures more closely on their own. (Act 17:11)

In the midst of these important times, the overriding emphasis is one-on-one or life-on-life with another person.  Paul shares the importance of imparting the Word of God and investing our very lives into others. (I Thes 2:7-8) This is the heart of what the SEARCH Ministry is about as we strive to imitate what Jesus did with His the disciplines.

God introduces us to Jesus in Matt 3:17 when He said, "This is My Son..." and He went on to say in Matt 17:5 "LISTEN to Him"  Jesus would add to these statements when He said in Matt 11:29 "LEARN from Me."  What is left?  Math 4:19 "Follow JESUS" via Obedience.

The theme verse for the SEARCH Ministry is Mark 3:14 “And He appointed the twelve to be “with Him” and that He might “send them out” to preach.

Since first coming to the University of Rio Grande in the fall of 1979, God has richly blessed us with the fruit of our labor as He has sent many former students all over the United States and throughout the world.

David & Sandy Perry can be reached at:

PO Box 81

Rio Grande, OH  45674

(740) 645-1374 (David)   (740) 645-1375 (Sandy) 

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